Project Description

Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Theoretical Neuroscience
History and Philosophy of Psychology
Facultad de Filosofía
Edificio Luis Vives
Campus de Espinardo
30100 MurciaPhone:
+34 (868) 88-3452
Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Western University
Vicente Raja is a research fellow at Universidad de Murcia (Spain) and external affiliate faculty of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy at Western University (Canada). His research lies at the intersection of philosophy, cognitive science, neuroscience, and the history of the sciences of the mind, and has appeared in venues including Synthese, Minds and Machines, Physics of Life Reviews, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Neuroscience, Philosophical Psychology, Adaptive Behavior, Cognitive Systems Research, and Theory and Psychology, among others. He has also edited/is editing a book for Routledge and special issues for the Journal of Consciousness Studies and Topics in Cognitive Science. In his theoretical work, he develops a framework for the study of brain-body environment systems based on ecological resonance. He is also interested in the history and philosophy of different approaches to psychology. His experimental work complements his theoretical work on ecological resonance and combines the use of nonlinear methods and virtual reality or sensory substitution devices to study human and plant behavior.
Raja, V. (2021). Resonance and Radical Embodiment. Synthese, 199, 113-141.
Raja, V. (2019). J. J. Gibson’s Most Radical Idea: The Development of a New Law-Based Psychology. Theory & Psychology 29(6): 789-806.
Raja, V. (2018). A Theory of Resonance: Towards an Ecological Cognitive Architecture. Minds and Machines 28(1): 29-51.
Raja, V., Silva, P. L., Holghoomi, R., and Calvo, P. (2020). The Dynamics of Plant Nutation. Scientific Reports 10: 19465.
Raja, V., Valluri, D., Baggs, E., Chemero, A., and Anderson, M. L. (2021). The Markov Blanket Trick: On the Scope of the Free Energy Principle and Active Inference. Physics of Life Reviews.
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