About Deborah Fox

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So far Deborah Fox has created 179 blog entries.

Video Posting — Stathis Psillos: Engaging Philosophy: Einstein on the Method of Science

Video of Stathis Psillos’s lecture, Engaging Philosophy: Einstein on the Method of Science, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Albert Einstein said that scientists are poor philosophers. Yet, he added that especially in periods of scientific revolutions, scientists should engage in philosophy and should not “surrender to philosophers the critical [...]

2015-11-10T11:46:24-05:00November 10th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events|

Ken Waters, Rotman Institute IAC Member, Awarded Templeton Foundation Grant

Professor Kenneth Waters is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Logic and the Philosophy of Science, and member of The Rotman Institute of Philosophy International Advisory Committee. Earlier this week, it was announced that Professor Waters, along with philosophers Alan Love (University of Minnesota), Marcel Weber (University of Geneva), and William Wimsatt (Universities of [...]

2015-11-06T11:11:23-05:00November 6th, 2015|Members|

Video Posting — Chris Smeenk: Einstein’s Path to a New Theory

Video of Chris Smeenk's lecture, Einstein’s Path to a New Theory, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. In November 1915, Einstein published a new theory of gravity. This lecture recounts the “rough and winding road” Einstein took in developing his theory, which ended with a dramatic race to the finish. [...]

2015-10-29T10:34:39-04:00October 29th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events|

Rotman Institute Graduate Student, Emma Ryman, Giving Two Talks This Month

During this month, Rotman Institute of Philosophy graduate student, Emma Ryman, is giving two talks. The first talk, given last week at Brock University, was at the symposium, Consuming Intimacies: Bodies, Labour, Care, and Social Justice. She presented a paper entitled, "The Patient Worker: A Model for Transnational Human Subjects Research and Contract Pregnancy", along [...]

2021-06-24T14:26:29-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Graduate Students, Members|

Dice Capades: Einstein and Quantum Mechanics

by Lucas Dunlap Einstein has become such a cultural touchstone that the internet is full of dubiously sourced quotations attributed to him. One of the most famous usually appears as “I refuse to believe that God plays dice with the universe”, or more simply “God doesn’t play dice”. This appears to be a paraphrase of [...]

2015-10-20T09:43:42-04:00October 20th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman|

Do We Run Because We Are Scared? Or Are We Scared Because We Run?

by Dr. Chris Fiacconi We have all had the experience of being in a potentially threatening situation. Your neck tenses, your heart pounds, and your palms sweat. You feel afraid, and try to escape from danger. In other words, you run away because you are scared. However, modern scientific research on how our brains generate [...]

2017-01-03T12:07:11-05:00October 13th, 2015|Events, Lab Associates, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Projects|

Video Posting — David Chalmers: Spatial Experience and Virtual Reality

Video of David Chalmer’s lecture, Spatial Experience and Virtual Reality, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Do virtual reality devices such as the Oculus Rift produce the illusion of an external reality? Or do they produce non-illusory experiences of a virtual reality? Chalmers addressed this question by starting with an [...]

2017-01-03T12:07:20-05:00October 8th, 2015|Events, Lab Associates, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Projects|

Video Posting — Gravity and Geometry: Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity Playlist is Complete

Remaining videos from the The Gravity and Geometry: Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity conference have been posted to the Rotman YouTube channel. The following videos are now included in the playlist: Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute The Identity of the Indiscernible as a Physical Principle [embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyBxRonlmvo[/embedyt] Marco Giovanelli, Einstein Papers Project "What is truth?" Einstein on [...]

2015-10-05T12:03:33-04:00October 5th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events, Philosophy of Physics|

New Publication From Rotman Institute Graduate Student, Jamie Shaw

Rotman Institute graduate student, Jamie Shaw, has a new publication in Gnosis entitled, "Moderate Moderation: The Mean of Excess". This paper argues that Aristotle's 'doctrine of the mean' should not be interpreted as saying that the mean is purely context dependent but, rather, on considerations of the good life as a whole. This is accomplished [...]

2021-06-24T14:26:42-04:00October 2nd, 2015|Graduate Students, Members|
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