About Deborah Fox

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So far Deborah Fox has created 179 blog entries.

#TBT Philip Kitcher’s lectures, “Science in a Democratic Society”, are up on the Rotman YouTube Channel

Have you visited the Rotman Institute YouTube channel lately? All videos have now been sorted into playlists by area, making it much easier to find the content you are looking for. Browse videos on Philosophy of Science, History and Philosophy of Science, Science and Values, and more. And if you have not done so already, [...]

2015-08-13T12:30:51-04:00August 13th, 2015|Events, Science and Society|

#TBT Andrew Janiak’s lecture, “Three Concepts of Cause in Newton’s Thought”, is up on the Rotman YouTube Channel

During the 2010/2011 Rotman Institute of Philosophy Speaker Series, Andrew Janiak, of Duke University, delivered a lecture entitled, “Three Concepts of Cause in Newton’s Thought”. His lecture examined how Newton’s assertion that objects spread across space can interact causally is related to his endorsement of the traditional metaphysical concepts of substance and of causation. Video [...]

2015-08-06T11:06:57-04:00August 6th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Physics|

#TBT Kyle Stanford’s lecture, “The Difference Between Ice Cream and Nazis: Evolution and the Emergence of Moral Objectivity”, is up on the Rotman YouTube Channel

Kyle Stanford, of the University of California Irvine, delivered a lecture entitled, "The Difference Between Ice Cream and Nazis: Evolution and the Emergence of Moral Objectivity", where he examined the evolutionary function of moral projection. This lecture took place on March 4, 2011 as part of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy Speaker Series. Video of [...]

2015-07-30T10:31:06-04:00July 30th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Ethics|

#TBT Uriah Kriegel’s lecture, “Experiential Origins of Intentionality”, is up on the Rotman YouTube Channel

During the 2010/2011 Rotman Institute of Philosophy Speaker Series, Uriah Kriegel, of the University of Arizona, delivered a lecture entitled, "Experiential Origins of Intentionality". Several authors - Loar, McGinn, Strawson, and Horgan, among others - have argued that the intentionality proper to conscious experience is somehow prior to, and grounds, other forms of intentionality. Here [...]

2015-07-23T13:37:01-04:00July 23rd, 2015|Events|

#TBT Colin Howson’s lecture, “Should Probabilities be Countably Additive?”, is up on the Rotman YouTube Channel

During the 2010/2011 Rotman Institute of Philosophy Speaker Series, Colin Howson, of the University of Toronto, delivered a lecture entitled "Should Probabilities be Countably Additive?", examining a specific case in the philosophy of science related to probability. Video of this lecture is now available on the Rotman YouTube channel.

2015-07-16T18:49:04-04:00July 16th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Science|

#TBT Susan Haack’s lecture, Six Signs of Scientism, is up on the Rotman YouTube Channel

During the 2010/2011 Rotman Institute of Philosophy Speaker Series, Susan Haack spoke about Scientism, the view that natural science is the most authoritative way of looking at the world, and is superior to other interpretations of life. Video of this lecture, Six Signs of Scientism, is now available on the Rotman YouTube channel.

2015-07-09T15:59:02-04:00July 9th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Science|

#TBT The 2010 Harperfest playlist is up on the Rotman YouTube channel

The 14th Annual Philosophy of Physics conference, Conceptions of Empirical Success, was held in Honor of Bill Harper’s retirement in 2010, and was organized by Wayne Myrvold. It features speakers on topics to which Harper made important contributions — in particular, historical approaches to questions of empirical success and decision theory.

2016-01-29T11:41:24-05:00June 25th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Science|

Video Posting – Peter Anstey: Locke on Measurement

This Rotman Lecture concerns John Locke’s practical and theoretical interest in measurement. Locke’s fascination with the measurement of weight, distance, time and monetary value is evident throughout his notebooks, journal and correspondence. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that it features in his philosophical reflections as early as Drafts A and B of the Essay concerning Human Understanding (1671) [...]

2015-06-24T11:20:39-04:00June 24th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Science|

What must be done to educate, equip, and support teachers to incorporate HPS into their curricula? (by Craig Fox)

BU Conference: “How HPS can contribute to science education” 5/5   The effort to incorporate HPS into K-12 science curricula will require substantial support from the scholarly community. Anyone who has ever taught knows that teachers have hardly a minute to spare. Teaching is mentally and physically challenging and teachers are constantly forced to do more [...]

2013-06-04T16:26:26-04:00February 15th, 2013|Science Education|
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