About Laura Cardozo

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So far Laura Cardozo has created 14 blog entries.

February 2020 Member News & Updates

Although it's the shortest month of the year, February did not fall short of exciting news from our members! Our first exciting announcement comes from Rotman alumna Melissa Jacquart. Melissa received news this month that starting in the fall of 2020 she will be a tenure-track assistant professor in the philosophy department at the University of Cincinnati. [...]

2021-06-24T14:15:20-04:00March 4th, 2020|Members|

Most watched videos of 2019

The Rotman Institute YouTube channel continues to grow, and is currently up to over 4,100 subscribers. With videos from our annual speakers series, Institute hosted academic conferences, and unique events like our Rotman Dialogues, our channel includes content on a range of philosophical topics and areas. Listed below are our top 10 most popular [...]

2020-01-03T11:59:37-05:00December 31st, 2019|Events|

Congratulations to the 2019 Rotman PhD Graduates!

In 2019, seven of our graduate student members (four resident and three non-resident members) successfully defended their doctoral theses. Please join us in congratulating each of them on this accomplishment! EUNICE CHAN  Algebraic Companions and Linearizations MARIE GUEGUEN  On Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Surplus Structure [...]

2019-12-19T12:59:13-05:00December 19th, 2019|Graduate Students|