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So far Martin has created 37 blog entries.

Forrest DeGroff: A Proposed Alternative Measure for Climate Change

Forrest DeGroff (City College of San Francisco )Title: A Proposed Alternative Measure for Climate ChangePotential Carbon dioxide equivalents is the benchmark standard for expressing climate change potential, expressed as CO2e. “The international standard practice is to express greenhouse gases in carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents. Emissions of gases other than CO2 are translated into CO2 equivalents [...]

2016-06-14T20:22:08-04:00March 10th, 2015|Climate Change|

Robert DiSalle: Gravity, Geometry, Philosophy: 100 Years in Einstein’s Universe

Published on Mar 5, 2015 One hundred years ago, in November 1915, Albert Einstein achieved his long-sought theory of gravitation: the General Theory of Relativity. In developing the General Theory, Einstein brought together ideas from philosophy, mathematics, and physics, to create a remarkable new conception of gravity, space, and time. His work is a model [...]

2015-03-05T15:06:09-05:00March 5th, 2015|Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science|

Ioan Muntean: Plurality of Models, Optimization and Mechanisms in Climate Studies.

Ioan Muntean (University of Notre Dame)Title: Plurality of Models, Optimization and Mechanisms in Climate Studies. The Role of Feedback in the New IPCC Report In order to predict and ultimately explain Earth’s climate system, especially its sensitivity to natural and human influences in the immediate and long-term future, a considerable number of computer simulations are run [...]

2015-03-03T13:15:16-05:00March 3rd, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|

Linda Mearns: Credibility of Regional Climate Model Projections of Future Climate: Issues and Challenges

  Crediblity of Regional Climate Model Projections of Future Climate: Issues and ChallengesLinda Mearns (National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Regional Integrated Sciences Collective (RISC), IMAGe)Abstract: The issue of credibility of regional climate model simulations of the future has been discussed for a long time, but concern about how to properly quantify the relative credibility of [...]

2015-02-26T11:57:49-05:00February 26th, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|

Daniel Lachat: Wind Trends in the Far North: Model-based Climate Projection

Daniel Lachat (York University)Title: Wind Trends in the Far North: Model-based Climate ProjectionThe North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data have shown increases in wind speed in Ontario of up to 60% for the past thirty years. Since measurement stations are scarce in the far-north due to challenges in accessibility and maintenance, the NARR model offers [...]

2015-02-25T15:03:07-05:00February 25th, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|

Jason Davidson: Coupled Atmospheric and Hydrologic Modeling

Jason Davidson (University of Waterloo)Title: Coupled Atmospheric and Hydrologic ModelingIntegrated hydrologic models require high-resolution atmospheric data sets. However, traditional modeling approaches use low-resolution met station data for an entire catchment, despite the availability of high-resolution atmospheric model data. With this in mind, we propose a new realm of water cycle modeling by coupling an integrated [...]

2015-02-23T10:12:14-05:00February 23rd, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|

Gregor Betz: Are Climate Models Well Confirmed? And Why Would We Want to Know?

 Are Climate Models Well Confirmed? And Why Would We Want to Know?Gregor Betz (Karlsruher Institute for Technology, Institute of Philosophy)  video conference Abstract: At first glance, understanding the extent to which different climate models are empirically confirmed seems to be essential both for practical as well as scientific purposes. At second glance, however, things are much [...]

2015-02-18T09:37:36-05:00February 18th, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|

Steve Easterbrook: Constructive and External Validity for Climate Modeling

  Steve Easterbrook (University of Toronto)Title: Constructive and External Validity for Climate ModelingDiscussion of validity of scientific computational models tend to treat “the model” as a unitary artifact, and ask questions about its fidelity with respect to observational data, and its predictive power with respect to future situations. For climate modeling, both of these questions are [...]

2015-02-17T09:53:29-05:00February 17th, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|

Nicolas Fillion: The Vindication of Computer Simulations

Nicolas Fillion (Simon Fraser University)   Title: The Vindication of Computer Simulations   The relatively recent increase in prominence of computer simulations in scientific inquiry has transformed both science and philosophy of science. In fact, a practical knowledge (a ‘know-how’) of scientific computation has become essential for scientists working in all disciplines involving mathematics. This [...]

2015-02-14T21:43:40-05:00February 13th, 2015|2014 Conference, Climate Change|