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So far Martin has created 37 blog entries.

Library Speaker Series on Climate Change: The Philosophical Issues

Library Speaker SeriesEach October, the Department of Philosophy at Western initiates a public speakers' series at the London Public Library (Central Branch, 251 Dundas St, Stevenson & Hunt room, 1st Floor). 7:00 p.m. Fall 2014 SeriesClimate Change: The Philosophical Issues October 8, 2014What Do You Bring to a Street Fight?Wayne Myrvold (Western)  An editorial in the journal Nature warned climate [...]

2014-09-12T13:36:27-04:00September 10th, 2014|2014 Conference, Climate Change, Philosophy of Science, Rotman News|

The Science of Climate Change: A Three-Part Crash Course

Please join us for a three-part lecture series on the science of climate change, presented by visiting Rotman Institute scholar  Professor Roman Frigg.September 15, 3pm-5pm: Lecture 1: Basic Concepts in Climate Science---Location: Stevenson Hall, Room 1140[Lecture 1 slides here]September 17, 3pm-5pm: Lecture 2: Climate Modelling---Location: Stevenson Hall, Room 2150H[Lecture 2 slides here ]September 19, 3pm-5pm: [...]

2014-09-20T10:13:02-04:00September 5th, 2014|2014 Conference, Climate Change, Philosophy of Science|

An interview with Naomi Oreskes

Before the lecture, Professor Oreskes sat for an interview with Martin Vezér.  In this video, she discusses topics in the philosophy of climate science, including issues in the epistemology and of science, history of climate science, the politics of climate change, and other subjects related to her (and Eric Conway’s) book, Merchants of Doubt.  After [...]

2014-03-18T15:35:04-04:00November 7th, 2013|Climate Change, Events|

The Vienna International Summer University 2013

By Martin Vezér Since 2001, the Institute Vienna Circle (IVC), the University of Vienna, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research have held a summer university program focusing on topics in the philosophy of natural and social sciences.  This past July, I attended the Vienna International Summer University (VISU)—a program that brought together an international group of professors [...]

2014-10-03T11:43:07-04:00September 16th, 2013|Philosophy of Science, Science and Society, Science Education|

An Interview with Wendy Parker

On Friday, April 5th, 2013 Dr. Wendy Parker from Ohio University visited the Rotman Institute.  Dr. Parker’s main research interests include models and computer simulation in science (especially climate modeling), science and public policy, and the history of atmospheric science and meteorology. In her Rotman Speaker Series lecture, “Beyond Prediction: The Computer as ‘Inductive Device’ [...]

2013-05-30T10:10:06-04:00April 9th, 2013|Philosophy of Science|