ACMES 2 video playlist is now complete

ACMES 2, Computationally Assisted Mathematical Discovery and Experimental Mathematics, was a four-day conference held on May 12 - 15, 2016 at Western University. Computational Discovery, also called Experimental Mathematics, is the use of symbolic and numerical computation to discover patterns, to identify particular numbers and sequences, and to gather evidence in support of specific mathematical [...]

2017-02-15T15:27:32-05:00February 15th, 2017|Events, Philosophy of Mathematics|

Announcing the Winner of the Rotman Philosophical Photography Contest

The Rotman Institute Philosophical Photography Contest challenged people to submit unique photographs that somehow managed to capture an abstract philosophical concept. We received a fabulous mix of photos that were reviewed by a small panel of judges. Choosing the winning photograph was no easy task -- some of the photographs themselves were particularly striking, some [...]

2018-03-27T13:49:24-04:00February 9th, 2017|Events|

New videos added to the ACMES 2 playlist on YouTube

ACMES 2, Computationally Assisted Mathematical Discovery and Experimental Mathematics, was a four day conference held on May 12 - 15, 2016 at Western University. Videos from the fourth day of the conference have been added to the ACMES 2 video playlist. Remaining videos from the conference will be available soon. Computational Discovery, also called Experimental [...]

2017-01-12T13:37:21-05:00January 12th, 2017|Events|

Spring 2017 Rotman Events

The Rotman Institute is honoured to be hosting a number of events this semester on important issues from a variety of fields. These events will explore pressing questions like: Are humans the only species with rich mental, social, and emotional lives? Is it justifiable to keep animals in zoos and aquariums? Might robots be moral? [...]

2017-01-11T11:37:09-05:00January 11th, 2017|Events|

Our Top 10 Videos of 2016

2016 is almost behind us, and in keeping with the custom of compiling end of year lists, we've put together the following list of our top 10 videos of the year. The collection of videos and playlists on the Rotman Institute's YouTube channel cover an array of philosophical areas and topics. Videos of public Rotman [...]

2016-12-31T17:21:44-05:00December 31st, 2016|Events, Rotman News|

Video Posting — Catherine Stinson: The Body in ‘Mental Illness’

The theme of this year's library lecture series was The Brain Boom: How Neuroscience is Changing How We Understand Ourselves. Co-sponsored by the London Public Library and the Department of Philosophy at Western University, a series of four public lectures addressing the theme were given at the Landon Branch public library. The inaugural lecture, given [...]

2016-11-29T11:22:12-05:00November 29th, 2016|Brain Boom, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Neuroscience|

Day 2 Videos from ACMES 2 added to YouTube Playlist

ACMES 2, Computationally Assisted Mathematical Discovery and Experimental Mathematics, was a four day conference held on May 12 - 15, 2016 at Western University. Computational Discovery, also called Experimental Mathematics, is the use of symbolic and numerical computation to discover patterns, to identify particular numbers and sequences, and to gather evidence in support of specific [...]

2016-09-28T14:36:42-04:00September 28th, 2016|Events|

ACMES 2 Video Playlist Created on the Rotman Institute YouTube Channel

ACMES 2, Computationally Assisted Mathematical Discovery and Experimental Mathematics, was a four day conference held on May 12 - 15, 2016 at Western University. Computational Discovery, also called Experimental Mathematics, is the use of symbolic and numerical computation to discover patterns, to identify particular numbers and sequences, and to gather evidence in support of specific [...]

2016-09-26T12:03:24-04:00September 26th, 2016|Events|

Video Posting — Andrew Light: What Happened in Paris? How Differentiation Evolved to Create a Global Climate Agreement.

Last Friday, Andrew Light delivered the 2016 Rotman Lecture, titled, What Happened in Paris? How Differentiation Evolved to Create a Global Climate Agreement. Dr. Light is a professor at George Mason University, Director of the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, Senior Fellow at the World Resources Institute, and a former Senior Climate Change Adviser [...]

2016-09-20T10:07:10-04:00September 20th, 2016|Climate Change, Events, Science and Society|

Andrew Light and the Paris Agreement

By Justin Donhauser (Rotman Institute of Philosophy) At a conference of environmental ethicists some years ago, I somewhat nervously introduced myself to J. Baird Callicott—a central figure in environmental ethics and hero to many working in environmental philosophy and science. After some discussion about his work, and mine, and the future of environmental philosophy, Callicott [...]

2016-09-01T13:38:54-04:00September 1st, 2016|Climate Change, Events|