Spring 2016 Rotman Events

The Rotman Institute will be hosting several noteworthy events this semester, on topics including research-practice integration in medicine, a look at the food systems needed to feed the world's growing population, gendered toy marketing, and neurophilosophy. In addition to these lectures, the 2016 Rotman Annual Conference, Rethinking the Taxonomy of Psychology Conference, will be held [...]

2016-01-05T13:09:30-05:00January 5th, 2016|Events|

#TBT Video Postings — Doing Science in the Dark and Clarity before Consensus

Leonard Smith and Erica Thompson, of the London School of Economics, delivered a lecture on October 29, 2014 entitled, Doing Science in the Dark: The Challenges of Climate-Like Science. This lecture was presented at the Central Library as part of the 2014 Library Speaker Series, co-sponsored with the London Public Library. Video of this lecture [...]

2015-12-17T13:04:10-05:00December 17th, 2015|Climate Change, Events|

Einstein Exhibit Closing Reception — Saturday, Dec. 12th, 12:00 – 5:00 pm

In celebration of the centenary of Einstein’s publication of general relativity, the Rotman Institute of Philosophy celebrated Einstein@Rotman -- a year-long program of events, including an academic conference, a successful series of public lectures, and finally, an interactive exhibit for both scholars and the general public; Einstein – Philosopher | Scientist: 100 Years of General [...]

2015-12-09T11:11:52-05:00December 9th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events, Philosophy of Physics|

Video Posting — Hugo Critchley: Interoception, Emotion and Self: How the Heart Gates Feelings and Perceptions

Hugo Critchley, of Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, University of Sussex, delivered a lecture on October 15, 2015 entitled, Interoception, Emotion and Self: How the Heart Gates Feelings and Perceptions. Video of this lecture has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Abstract: Information concerning the [...]

2017-01-03T12:08:42-05:00December 7th, 2015|Events, Lab Associates, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Projects|

Video Posting — Wayne Myrvold: Einstein and the Atom

Video of Wayne Myrvold's lecture, Einstein and the Atom, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Abstract: Einstein’s name is widely associated with the “atom bomb,” via the formula E = MC2. Less widely known is that he played a key role in providing evidence that atoms exist at all. One [...]

2015-11-26T10:08:39-05:00November 26th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events, Philosophy of Physics|

Video Posting — Doreen Fraser: Einstein, God, Dice, and Quantum Mechanics

Video of Doreen Fraser’s lecture, Einstein, God, Dice, and Quantum Mechanics, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Abstract: Einstein is best known for his contributions to the physics of spacetime, the Special and General Theories of Relativity. However, he also played an important role in the development of quantum mechanics, [...]

2015-11-23T09:56:24-05:00November 23rd, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events|

Video Posting — Stathis Psillos: Engaging Philosophy: Einstein on the Method of Science

Video of Stathis Psillos’s lecture, Engaging Philosophy: Einstein on the Method of Science, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Albert Einstein said that scientists are poor philosophers. Yet, he added that especially in periods of scientific revolutions, scientists should engage in philosophy and should not “surrender to philosophers the critical [...]

2015-11-10T11:46:24-05:00November 10th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events|

Video Posting — Chris Smeenk: Einstein’s Path to a New Theory

Video of Chris Smeenk's lecture, Einstein’s Path to a New Theory, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. In November 1915, Einstein published a new theory of gravity. This lecture recounts the “rough and winding road” Einstein took in developing his theory, which ended with a dramatic race to the finish. [...]

2015-10-29T10:34:39-04:00October 29th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events|

Dice Capades: Einstein and Quantum Mechanics

by Lucas Dunlap Einstein has become such a cultural touchstone that the internet is full of dubiously sourced quotations attributed to him. One of the most famous usually appears as “I refuse to believe that God plays dice with the universe”, or more simply “God doesn’t play dice”. This appears to be a paraphrase of [...]

2015-10-20T09:43:42-04:00October 20th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman|

Do We Run Because We Are Scared? Or Are We Scared Because We Run?

by Dr. Chris Fiacconi We have all had the experience of being in a potentially threatening situation. Your neck tenses, your heart pounds, and your palms sweat. You feel afraid, and try to escape from danger. In other words, you run away because you are scared. However, modern scientific research on how our brains generate [...]

2017-01-03T12:07:11-05:00October 13th, 2015|Events, Lab Associates, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Projects|