Video Posting — David Chalmers: Spatial Experience and Virtual Reality

Video of David Chalmer’s lecture, Spatial Experience and Virtual Reality, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Do virtual reality devices such as the Oculus Rift produce the illusion of an external reality? Or do they produce non-illusory experiences of a virtual reality? Chalmers addressed this question by starting with an [...]

2017-01-03T12:07:20-05:00October 8th, 2015|Events, Lab Associates, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Projects|

Video Posting — Gravity and Geometry: Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity Playlist is Complete

Remaining videos from the The Gravity and Geometry: Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity conference have been posted to the Rotman YouTube channel. The following videos are now included in the playlist: Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute The Identity of the Indiscernible as a Physical Principle [embedyt][/embedyt] Marco Giovanelli, Einstein Papers Project "What is truth?" Einstein on [...]

2015-10-05T12:03:33-04:00October 5th, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events, Philosophy of Physics|

Gravity and Geometry: Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity Conference Playlist Created on the Rotman YouTube Channel

The Gravity and Geometry: Centenary Perspectives on General Relativity conference was held this past June, here at Western. Participants presented physical, philosophical, and historical reflections on Einstein’s theory of gravity and space-time geometry, its development over the past century, and its future prospects. Invited speakers at the conference included John Norton, Kaća Bradonjić, and Carla [...]

2015-10-02T12:57:50-04:00October 1st, 2015|Einstein at Rotman, Events, Philosophy of Physics|

Video posting — Peter Singer: Animal Liberation, Forty Years On

Video of Peter Singer’s lecture, Animal Liberation, Forty Years On, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation, often credited with starting the modern animal rights movement, was first published in September 1975. In this lecture, the author assesses how well the argument has stood up over that [...]

2015-09-30T12:10:44-04:00September 30th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Ethics|

Video posting — Peter Singer: The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically

Video of Peter Singer's lecture, The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically, has been posted on the Rotman Institute of Philosophy YouTube channel. Effective altruism is built upon the simple but profound idea that living a fully ethical life involves doing the “most good you can do.” [...]

2015-09-29T12:29:16-04:00September 29th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Ethics|

Toronto Star article on Peter Singer features Anthony Skelton

by Anthony Skelton In the Sunday edition of the Toronto Star, an article entitled, "Are Peter Singer’s ideas too dangerous to hear?", details some of the controversy around Singer’s ideas, and includes me as an interviewee. Peter Singer is one of the most important practical moralists of our time. In a career spanning more than [...]

2015-09-14T12:19:24-04:00September 14th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Ethics|

Beyond Animal Rights

For most of us, animal rights are a political afterthought. Even if we regard them as important, our concern for the rights of animals is unlikely to supersede our concern for the rights of people. In part, the hierarchy of concerns that many of us use to prioritize our attention and actions is motivated by [...]

2016-01-29T11:40:44-05:00September 11th, 2015|Events, Food Ethics, Philosophy of Ethics|

Ursula Martin has been added to the ACMES playlist on the Rotman Youtube Channel

Video of the lecture by Ursula Martin has been uploaded onto the Rotman YouTube channel, completing the ACMES playlist. ACMES (Algorithms and Complexity in Mathematics, Epistemology and Science) was a multidisciplinary conference that focused on a combination of the science of reliability and uncertainty quantification with conceptual and foundational issues concerning reliability in the application [...]

2015-09-08T09:37:06-04:00September 8th, 2015|Events|

Author-Meets-Critics Event with Katarzyna de Lazai-Radek and Peter Singer

A new event page has been created for the September 19th author-meets-critics event with Katarzyna de Lazai-Radek and Peter Singer, discussing their book, "The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics”. Other presenters at the book symposium will be Thomas Hurka (Toronto), Jennifer Hawkins (Duke), Anthony Skelton (Western), and David Phillips (Houston). [...]

2015-09-04T15:33:47-04:00September 4th, 2015|Events, Philosophy of Ethics|