2019 Philosophy of Logic Math and Physics Graduate Student Conference
10 June 2019 - 11 June 2019
The 19th annual Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Physics (LMP) Graduate Conference will take place on Monday-Tuesday, June 10-11, 2019, at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. We are pleased to announce that David John Baker (University of Michigan) will be giving the keynote address for this year’s LMP.
Western University’s Philosophy Department and the Rotman Institute of Philosophy will host the 23rd annual Philosophy of Physics Conference following the Graduate Student LMP Conference. This year’s conference will be taking place June 12 – 14, and will be on the subject of quantum field theory. More information on this year’s conference can be found here.
The LMP website includes full details about this year’s conference, including the program, information for attendees, and a list of previous recipients of the Clifton Memorial Prize.
Visit www.logicmathphysics.uwo.ca.
Graduate students who have not yet defended their PhD thesis are invited to submit papers on any topic in philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of physics. Papers in philosophy of physics will be considered for the 16th Annual Clifton Memorial book prize. The contest will be adjudicated by philosophy of physics faculty members at Western.
The maximum paper length is 5,000 words, including footnotes and appendices (but not references). If the paper includes tables, figures, or equations, an appropriate number of words should be subtracted from the limit. Papers are to be prepared for anonymous review, and should be accompanied by an abstract (no longer than 300 words). Co-authored papers are not eligible for submission.
Deadline extended to March 15, 2019
Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=2019lmp.
Authors of accepted papers will be limited to 30-35 minutes for presentation, followed by a 20-minute period of discussion. We will endeavour to make accommodations available to all visiting graduate students.
Please send any questions to the LMP Conference Committee: uwolmp@gmail.com. We look forward to receiving your submission,