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We know our minds directly, by having privileged access to them. We also know about them more indirectly, by studying the biological and structural conditions that allow creatures like us to have minds. This gap between the subjective and the objective has been the focus of much debate in consciousness studies. I here explore a different set of issues that might clarify our understanding of the conscious mind, particularly concerning the relation between consciousness and attention. The talk will cover issues concerning information, evolution, and theoretical approaches to consciousness. I hope to demonstrate that studying carefully the difference between phenomenal consciousness and attention will not only lead to more productive discussions, but that it will also be a basic component of a scientific theory of consciousness.



Carlos MontemayorI received my PhD in Philosophy with a Certificate in Cognitive Science from Rutgers University and joined the faculty at San Francisco State University in the summer of 2009. My research focuses on the intersection between philosophy of mind, epistemology and cognitive science. My book “Minding Time: A Philosophical and Theoretical Approach to the Psychology of Time” offers an account of time perception that takes into consideration the scientific findings on psychological time-keeping mechanisms and simultaneity windows. NDPR Review. Brill Site.

I co-wrote a book, with H. H. Haladjian, on consciousness and attention, with MIT Press: Consciousness, Attention, and Conscious Attention; This is a review of the book in NDPR.

I recently co-authored a book, with Abrol Fairweather, on the nature of epistemic agency, epistemic abilities and attention, with Cambridge University Press. Here is a review for: Knowledge, Dexterity, and Attention.

I also received a JD (Law Degree) from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. My thesis, on human rights, was published by Porrúa, and was reviewed here (in Spanish).

Read more about Carlos Montemayor.



Photo credit: Tekke – Sinnliche Töne [Explored] (license)

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