We are very pleased to share the following photos and videos taken during the event series on responsible robotics and robot ethics we hosted last month. Please note that additional photos from these events can be seen on the Rotman Institute Flickr account. Thank you to Philippos Papayannopoulos for taking these wonderful photos!
Panel Discussion: Responsible Robotics: Shaping a future with robots worth wanting
The series began with an engaging, and very informative panel discussion held downtown at Wolf Hall on March 15. The diverse backgrounds and expertise of the panelists made for a lively discussion, and the thoughtful questions from the audience made for a fantastic Q&A.
Aimee van Wynsberghe: Robot Ethics: What is it and why should we care?
A follow-up talk held on March 16 at Central Library went into further detail on robot ethics.
Aimee van Wynsberghe: The Ethics of Ethical Robots
The final event took place on March 17 at the Spencer Engineering Building. Aimee van Wynsberghe gave a talk that focused on whether we can & should we make robots with moral reasoning capabilities.
The next Rotman event will take place on Thursday, April 6. Please join us for Hanna Pickard: Why Do Addicts Use? Getting Real about Drugs, Identity, and Adversity.