Project Description
Home / Members / Graduate Students / Harmony Ezeuko

Philosophy of Mind
Cognitive Science
Rotman Institute of Philosophy
Western University
Western Interdisciplinary Research Building, 7175
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 3K7
Doctoral Student;
Department of Philosophy, Western University
Harmony is currently a Doctoral student in Philosophy at Western University. He received his B.A (Hons.) at the University of Victoria. He is interested in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, and in Epistemology. In Mind and Cognitive science, Harmony is interested in empirically-oriented theories of consciousness, ones that are nevertheless committed to the causal role of mental states. In Epistemology, Harmony is interested in the status of intuitions—broadly speaking, in the intersections between the role of intuitions in theories of knowledge and theories of mental states.
Regarding empirically-oriented theories of consciousness, I am interested in the relations between neurological states and mental states, and how (organization of) the former can give rise to phenomenal experience. In Epistemology of the Mind, I first take it as a truism that we intuit that we have minds. As such, I am interested in the following questions: what is the nature of intuitions such that it leads the mind to knowledge about itself and the world? Why is it that the mind intuits that it knows itself and the external world, first, before perhaps being convinced otherwise? To what extent is this process cognitive—or, if not, to what extent does it inform our cognitive life?
Conference Presentations
Presenter: “Given That We Allow the Practice of Passive Euthanasia, Ought We Allow the Practice of Active Euthanasia?”, Thought Forum, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo BC, April 15 2017
Chair & Organizer: Western Canada Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, March 11, 2017
Presenter: “The Epistemology of Testimony”, Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Fair, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, March 7th, 2017
Project Title: Jean-Baptiste Du Bos’ Critical Reflections on Poetry and Painting and Hume’s Treatise.
Role: Research Assistant
Primary Investigators: Dr. James Young (FRSC), Dr. Margaret Cameron
Project Title: Thomas Reid’s Epistemology
Role: Research Assistant
Primary Investigator: Dr. Patrick Rysiew
- ARTHUM 3391F: Philosophy of Food (TA)—Prof. Benjamin Hill, Fall 2018
- PHIL 2730G: Media Ethics (TA)—Prof. Dean Proessel, Winter 2019.