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Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Physics
Philosophy of Spacetime Physics
Doctoral Student
Department of Philosophy, Western University
I am currently a PhD student studying the philosophy of physics at the University of Western Ontario. I received a Bachelor of Science in each of physics, philosophy, and mathematics from the University of Idaho in 2018 while earning the Philosophy Student of the Year Award from the philosophy department and a Chair’s Award for Excellence from the mathematics department in that year. My research interests include epistemological and metaphysical problems concerning theories of spacetime (especially General Relativity) and epistemological and metaphysical problems in the philosophy of science more broadly.
Conference Presentations
“Why fallible knowledge violates closure”, Northwest Philosophy Conference at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, October 2017
Fall/Winter, 2018-2019, Critical Thinking, TA
Fall, 2019, Ancient Philosophy, TA
Winter, 2020, Understanding Science, TA
Fall/Winter, 2020-2021, Critical Thinking, TA