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  • Foundations of Mathematics

  • Logic

  • Philosophy of Mathematics


  • Rotman Institute of Philosophy
    Western University
    Western Interdisciplinary Research Building
    London, Ontario, Canada
    N6A 3K7


Doctoral Student;
Department of Philosophy, Western University

I am a PhD student interested in (higher) category theory, logic and type theory and homotopical algebra. Currently, I am working on the interpretation and semantics of univalent dependent type theories in infinity-categories. Part of my research is developing a semantic framework for univalent type theories in elementary infinity toposes. These type theories are also sometimes summarised under the name ‘Homotopy Type Theory’.

I am also interested in higher category theory and homotopical algebra in general, in studying different models of infinity categories and studying model categories. On the philosophical side, I am interested in constructive mathematics.

In the academic year 2024/25, I am also a graduate student in the MSc program in Mathematics at Western.

My PhD supervisors are Chris Kapulkin (Department of Mathematics) and John Bell (Department of Philosophy).

  • (Higher) Category Theory and Homotopical Algebra
  • Logic and Foundations of Mathematics
  • Philosophy of Mathematics

Master Thesis:   Structure, Equivalence, and Identity: Structuralism in Category Theory and Univalent Foundations

Teaching Assistant:


“Calculus I”, Winter 2025, Western University

“Methods of Matrix Algebra”, Winter 2025, Western University

“Discrete Structures for Engineering”, Fall 2024, Western University

“Basic Logic”, Fall and Winter 2023/24, Western University

“Basic Logic”, Fall and Winter 2022/23, Western University

Nominalism and Infinite Cardinality, ic.SoAP/EENPS, Belgrade and Geneva/Lugano, 2021