Project Description

Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Physics
Political Philosophy
Doctoral Student, Department of Philosophy, Western University
Veljko is a PhD student at Western University. He is primarily interested in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of physics, although he is also curious about topics in the philosophy of politics. He is currently researching the role arguments by analogy played in the history of science and the role they can play in the yet unanswered questions, especially in the philosophy of physics. His supervisor is Rober DiSalle. Veljko did an M.A. in Philosophy of Science at the Leibniz University Hannover (Germany). The topic of his M.A. was exploring the claimed realist status of the Bayesian interpretation of quantum mechanics (QBism). He was supervised by prof. Mathias Frisch. Veljko also did an M.A. at the University of Belgrade where he was exploring the potential analogy between the modal realism of David Lewis and the many-worlds of Everett’s interpretation of quantum mechanics. This thesis was supervised by prof. Vladan Djordjevic. Veljko’s interest in political philosophy primarily lies in contemporary theories of justice and theories of democracy. Veljko is a regular lecturer at the Philosophy Club (Kragujevac, Serbia) – an institution promoting philosophy to high school students through lectures and workshops. Veljko loves visiting museums and galleries, playing music, acting, cooking and watching movies.