President, King’s University College; Adjunct Professor, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University
Gerry McKeon
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:08:40-05:00Emeritus Professor; Department of Applied Mathematics, Western University
Andrew McRae
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T12:46:11-05:00Research Director - Division of Emergency Medicine Division of Emergency Medicine, University of Calgary
Angela Mendelovici
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T13:26:44-05:00Associate Professor Department of Philosophy, Western University
Amanda Moehring
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:59:47-05:00Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Western University
Michael Montess
Deborah Fox2023-11-13T08:30:23-05:00Clinical Ethics Fellow; Centre for Clinical Ethics, Unity Health Toronto and University of Toronto
Georgia Mouroutsou
Kate Sinclair2025-02-07T13:48:55-05:00Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, King's University College
Lyle Muller
Kate Sinclair2023-12-13T14:19:24-05:00Assistant Professor; Department of Mathematics, Western University
Markus Müller
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:24:21-05:00Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Nouri Najjar
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:31:30-05:00Assistant Professor, Ivey Business School, Western University
John Nicholas
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:13:42-05:00Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy, Western University
Elysée Nouvet
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T13:56:13-05:00Assistant Professor, School of Health Studies, Western University
Dorothea Olkowski
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T13:53:45-05:00Professor Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Adrian Owen
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T12:41:46-05:00Canada Excellence Research Chair; Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience & Imaging, The Brain and Mind Institute, Western University
Stathis Psillos
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:42:42-05:00Professor Department of Philosophy and History of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Vicente Raja
Deborah Fox2023-02-07T10:39:43-05:00Associate; Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Western University
Abraham (Rami) Rudnick
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T14:53:11-05:00Professor; Department of Psychiatry and School of Occupational Therapy, Dalhousie University
Scott Schaffer
Kate Sinclair2023-12-13T14:41:29-05:00Scott Schaffer is an associate professor in the Sociology Department at Western University
Bhagirath Singh
Deborah Fox2023-12-13T13:38:44-05:00Professor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Scientific Director, CIHR - Institute of Infection and Immunity, Robarts Research Institute, Western University